Learn how to break through in the competitive world of digital health marketing

Supercharge your digital health marketing with 6 proven strategies.

As you already know, digital and social media advertising is a competitive, fast-changing world. And advertising health products and services within that world adds extra layers of complexity, including widespread privacy sensitivity, the lasting impact of updates across iOS devices, strict regulations and a growing digital world of platforms.

But learning to navigate these choppy waters can be richly rewarding. Because nearly 500 million North Americans spend time on digital platforms every month, getting swept up in the world of their algorithms for nearly 2 hours daily. That means that your audience of potential customers are waiting online each and every day. All you have to do is cut through the noise, and connect with them in ways that inspire trust, engagement and ultimately sales. That’s where we come in. And we can help you reach your audience across any and all digital performance channels.

Digital health marketing experts

Pound & Grain is an independent creative agency that combines cut-through creative work with in-house media strategy, planning and buying - all working together to deliver you daily performance that drives incremental success and business results in the highly regulated health sector.

We’ve been there, we’ve done that

We create, produce and optimize hardworking digital experiences, websites, videos and services for health clients across North America. In any given month our team delivers as many 100 different ads in the health sector, resulting in millions upon millions of interactions, qualified leads and next steps taken. Those levels of production and performance keep us at the forefront of practices and trends, and keep our clients coming back for more.

You’re so close to learning how we break through the clutter in the health sector, and to finding the key to increasing leads while reducing your costs per lead.

In this free, short guide to digital health marketing, we’ll share how we transform health marketing plans for our roster of clients and how we can help you too.

You’ll learn

  • How social platforms really are different.
  • How to battle the algorithm to drive performance.
  • How creative is the tool to bend performance to your will.
  • How to layer digital tools into your user journey to help aid patients along the way to conversion.
  • To never assume. To test and verify, always. 
  • To use measurement to mine ongoing ideas and additional insights in real time.

These strategies are powerful and proven, so we’re not giving them to just anyone. 

Just share your email with us and we’ll unlock your download.

Want to chat with our health team?

Thomas Morton, Director of Strategy

Josee Thibault, Director of Media 

Grant Fraggalosch, Creative Director

Schedule a consultation

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